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Domestic and Gender-Based Violence

Domestic violence and gender-based violence (GBV) are pervasive issues that encompass a range of abusive behaviors occurring within relationships and communities. Domestic violence refers to a pattern of coercive or controlling actions, often involving physical, emotional, economic, or psychological abuse, exerted by one partner over another within an intimate relationship or family setting.

Gender-based violence, on the other hand, is rooted in power imbalances and discrimination, affecting individuals based on their gender. It encompasses a broad spectrum of harmful behaviors, including but not limited to physical and sexual violence, harassment, and emotional abuse, with women and marginalized gender identities often disproportionately affected.

Both domestic violence and gender-based violence have profound and lasting effects on survivors, impacting their physical and mental well-being. Addressing these issues requires a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach involving education, awareness, support services, and legal advocacy to create a society where everyone can live free from fear and violence. Pillars of Peace is committed to supporting and amplifying the voices for survivors of domestic and gender-based violence. 


of our clients disclosed harm by an intimate partners.


of our clients reported being physically abused.


of our clients reported emotional abuse.


of our clients reported some form of sexual abuse.


of our clients reported some form of financial abuse.


of our clients reported some form of psychological abuse.